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Financing and Regulatory Services

SEC Filings

Select Documents

Form ID$99.00

The Form ID is an electronic application that all new filers must complete before gaining access to EDGAR.

Title III Crowdfunding Form C$1,500.00

The Form C is a disclosure document used for Equity Crowdfunding under Title III.

Form C-AR$575.00

An issuer that sold securities in a Regulation Crowdfunding offering is required to provide an annual report on Form C-AR no later than 120 days after the end of its fiscal year. The report must be filed on EDGAR and posted on the issuer's website.

Form C-TR $199.00

Risk Factor Analysis$250.00

A risk factor should identify and disclose a risk that is relevant to the issuer/guarantor or the securities concerned rather than simply comprising of generic disclosure.

Full Private Placement Memorandum (PPM)$2,500.00

A PPM is a legal document provided to prospective investors when selling stock or another security in a business. The PPM describes the company selling the securities, the terms of the offering, and the risks of the investment, amongst other things

Form D$199.00

Form D is used to file a notice of an exempt offering of securities with the SEC. A company must file this notice within 15 days after the first sale of securities in the offering.